Building Bridges Between Home and School Following Directions Since the time your child has learned the word, “no”, it’s probably been important to you that your child follows directions at home. But the ability to follow directions means more than just being obedient. It can also mean the difference between successfully competing a project and… Continue reading August 2016 Bulletin
Category: Parents Bulletin
June 2016 Bulletin
What experiences should a young child have? Young children should frequently have the following experiences: Being intellectually engaged, absorbed, and challenged. Having confidence in their own intellectual powers and questions. Being engaged in extended interactions (e.g. conversations, discussions, exchanges of views, planning, and even arguments). Being involved in sustained investigations of aspects of their own… Continue reading June 2016 Bulletin
May 2016 Bulletin
What is play? Play is self-chosen. Children are born to play. They love to play. They will play all day if they are allowed. If you have to coax them into doing something, then it is not play. Play should never feel like work or an obligation. Play is enjoyable. Play is fun! Play has… Continue reading May 2016 Bulletin