July 2016 Newsletter

July 2016 Newsletter

Welcome to our June 2016 Newsletter!
Here we highlight upcoming events and a few important announcements. In addition, we share a few tips and tricks on discipline to connect learning at school to home.
Download the full newsletter here.


Dear MSLC Preschool Families,

Summer is here! We’re so excited to explore the outdoors with fun summer activities like taking nature walks and engaging in water play in addition to our regular curriculum. On June 17, our preschoolers held a Father’s Day party. It was great to see so many dads, moms and grandfathers participating and having fun with the children. We hope all the dads enjoyed the songs and especially enjoyed the time spent with their children.

Best regards,
MSLC Office

Upcoming Events

July 15th – Red, White and Blue Day; Nature Walk
July 22th – Backwards Day
August 26th – Pajama Day


MSLC is closed July 4-8 in observance of Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Let’s welcome two new students: Kyle Cao and Alice Meng. Welcome to MSLC!

Parents, MSLC Office would like to remind you to please follow the signs and arrows in the parking lot. There is only ONE ENTRANCE and ONE EXIT. For your safety and the safety of the children, let’s work together to smoothly coordinate traffic especially during drop-off and pickup times. Thank you!

Building Bridges between Home and School

In response to many requests for more information on discipline, we would like to share a few helpful tips from the 4C Council on how to manage certain situations with children.

What to do when your child BECOMES ANGRY

First, understand why your child is angry. It could be that your child is not successful at doing something, some-thing that is personally important, or that your child has been told stop, no, and don’t too many times. Your child may feel forced to do something he or she does not want to do or your child may feel frustrated from hearing too many demands from adults.


Please do not become angry in reaction to your child’s anger, but do not allow a tantrum to worsen.


  • Remember that it is normal to feel angry and that in some situations, this emotion may be expected.
  •  Observe when your child is angry and identify who is the target of that emotion.
  • Observe if your child is able to express anger in acceptable ways.
  • Provide a safe outlet for your child to vent anger such as in vigorous play, punching bags, stress balls and or finger painting.

What to do if your child WON’T SHARE

Be patient with your child. This behavior may indicate that your child is too young (under 3 years old) or that your child needs experience in owning and sharing things.


Please do not snatch the object from your child, or scold your child. And absolutely do not tell your child that you do not like him or her.


  • Allow your child to experience ownership by designating a few things that are only for him or her.
  • Have enough materials for each of your children.
  • Use a clock or timer to limit the amount of time spent with a coveted item.

Download the full newsletter for the July curriculum here.